We held the 2nd transnational meeting of SUMIGRE in Prague on 16-17 April 2018.Our Czech partner, Schola Empirica hosted the meeting which focused mainly on the finalised draft of the 1st intellectual output of the project: Migration Report. It will be accessible on the project website by the end of June, 2018.
We presented our national good practice examples of a)provision of training opportunities for migrant-related educators in the partner countries and of b)cross-sectoral collaboration in migrant-related issues. These will be annexed to the Report and translated into the partner languages.
The visits to the two migrant-related organisations, which were quite inspiring, gave us an insight into how they go about their work and what kind of services they provide for migrants.
Last but not the least at all, the meeting enabled us to exchange experience and knowledge, share views and monitor how the project has been proceeding.
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