Cafe Europe Multiplier Event in Izmit


We held the multiplier event of Cafe Europe project on 1.10.2022 at Maide Cafe&Restaurant, Izmit. During the interactive meeting with more than thirty participants, we briefly introduced our project to our new stakeholders and youth, as well as information about the now completed intellectual outputs. In the next session, we asked our target audiences, who have been involved in our project activities from very early on, to share their views and impressions with us; hearing these very positive feedbacks has made us very happy and increased our motivation to go on working in this area. In the last part, we distributed certificates to our young participants who attended both the workshops and completed the online training. Thank you very much to all our participants and stakeholders.

Beta-testing of the outputs of the Cafe Europe project with our target groups and stakeholders


Our project team and target group met again on June the 25th at the thematic workshop to exchange information about the contents of the IOs. In addition, we shared the web address of the 3rd intellectual output – the online training program – written specifically for local and migrant youth and explained how they can enrol on the platform. We have already started registering our users and we plan to register more participants in the future!

As Cafe Europe partners, we will share the final evaluation results with our users and stakeholders later on, the initial feedback from our participants is very encouraging and inspiring for us.


The youth and youth workers at the 1st face-to-face Cafe Europe meeting


Youth workers at KOGED and young participants met face-to-face for the first time on 19/02/2022 in Izmit. Our participants were already familiar with the project topics, via the online meetings, everyone enjoyed this meeting much better, however, as it created synergy and the beginnings of a true team spirit!

Cafe Europe Meetings with Youth will continue, looking forward to seeing you again!


Cafe Europe project partners in Izmit


          We held the second face-to-face meeting of Cafe Europe project on March 22-23, 2022 in Izmit. At the meeting, we had the opportunity to review the current project processes and planned activities. This meeting provided us with a wonderful opportunity to review the results of the beta-testing  of the completed intellectual outputs within the partner institutions. It was invaluable to get feedback on our outputs and we will make some minor revisions accordingly! We are now planning the alpha-testing procedure which involves  presenting  our intellectual outputs to the target audience and receive feedback from them . After the alpha-testing process is over, we will share the final versions of our intellectual outputs online  with our stakeholders  and the target group. 

Keep following us on our website, Facebook page, Cafe Europe website and Facebook page for the latest developments!

We were in Greece for our CAFE EUROPE project meeting


We held the first face-to-face meeting of our Cafe Europe project, hosted by the Club for UNESCO of Pireus and Islands, on 23-24 November 2021 in Piraeus, Greece. At the meeting, we talked about the project work that we have conducted so far with online meetings due to the COVID 19 pandemic and what we will do in the future. 

Read more: We were in Greece for our CAFE EUROPE project meeting