Cafe Europe has kicked off!

         Our new 30-month Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project in Youth programme , Cafe Europe has started! It has the goal to build a strong, fertile social and business growing ground for youth which will provide social inclusiveness, help refuges and migrants build a stable network for themselves and to help them enter the market, and solve many socials problems related to the migration of youth.

         The result of this project will be a low-key meeting place for social and commercial activity in every European country. The Cafes will help youth migrants and refugees, but also native youngsters developing socials skills, learn the culture of the host country, expand their network and gain working experience.

         Coordinated by INQ Leeuwarden from The Netherlands, seven partner organizations from Greece, the Czech Republic and Turkey will develop:

            1. How to set up a Cafe Europe (Handbook for anyone who would like to create a Cafe Europe)

            2. How to support newcomers working in a Cafe Europe (Handbook for youth workers and volunteers that coordinate the cafe and coach/mentor the newcomers/youth)

            3. How to get most out of my Cafe Europe experience (e-training  course for newcomers- migrants, asylum seekers and refugees- and native youth)

            4. Online platform (for presenting the online training content course for newcomers and native youth, but also the handbook for the youth workers and volunteers and the handbook on how to set up a Cafe Europe)

        Stay with us for further news and the developments as the project makes headway!

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