The 4th SUMIGRE partnership meeting in London

          Our 4th project meeting was organised by MRC and held in London on the 6-7th Nov. 2018. We dedicated the better part of the meeting to the development of the curriculum for e-Learning training in May, 2019. The curriculum aims at educators working with immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees . It includes modules on essential topics such as the human rights of immigrants, development of intercultural awareness, intercultural competences and communication, cultural enterprise in education, discrimination in education and second language teaching. Our next task will be to translate the curriculum into the partner languages in order to ensure its wider use by the national target groups.

         On the 1stday of the meeting , the Protection Gap Advocates , who are asylum seekers, participated in the meeting.They shared information about their experience and their expectations of educators who teach immigrants. It was thought-provoking for us all!

         We also had the opportunity to learn about the interim evaluation and dissemination results of SUMIGRE thanks to the detailed reports by our partners BDA and BDF. We were happy to note that the good communication and the commitment of the partners were especially emphasized in the Evaluation report ! According to the Dissemination Report , the project has been disseminated to more than 10000 people so far via various tools and channels! This amazing figure shows that all of us have been using the dissemination tools at our disposal very efficiently.


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