Skills Training for NGO Staff Project training was completed
KOGED team participated in a training programme within the scope of the project:'' Skills Training for NGO Staff '' which we have been conducting within the framework of Erasmus + ,KA1 Staff Mobility program. The training was organised by our English partner,Kairos Ltd. between 16-20 May 2016 in London.The programme mainly covered a variety of topics from legal arrangements for the establishment of associations in England, the organization stages, the areas in which they operate, the problems they face, to adult education, cultural diversity, the kind of activities NGOs can become engaged in to contribute to the solution of problems immigrants and refugees are faced with,etc. As the training sessions were quite interactive,we shared information about the work of NGOs in Turkey,too.
KOGED trainees included President Gülhan Bütün, Board members Ayse Öztürk, Alparslan Bütün , Saime Kirşavoglu and our member &technical staff ,Fatih Başarış.
You can visit our website for more information about the project on the project page.
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