KOGED’s KA1 Adult Education Staff Mobility project kicks off

"Skills Training for NGO Trainers"  has started with the kick-off meeting  the project team held on 6/2/2016 at Sivil Toplum Merkezi in Izmit.The author  and  the coordinator  of the project ,Gülhan Butun gave information to the rest of the team about the aims,planned activities,the scheduled training programme in the UK and the expected results of the project.

More meetings with the trainees are planned within the project lifetime. They will  attend 6-hour seminars per month within a period of 5months.

 The themes of the seminars include,among others,:

 1 - The civil society’s participation in democracy in Turkey

2 - NGOs, organization and management

3-Communication skills

4-Collaboration with volunteers

5-Budget monitoring and tips for NGOS.

It is expected that the participants will have information about the operating systems of the CSOs in Turkey before they have the opportunity to learn about how their European counterparts operate;this will enable them to compare and contrast the systems.The  seminars will be prepared in cooperation with Kocaeli University and the Kocaeli Directorate of NGOs.

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