KOGED’s ERA+ Project Trainees at the Young Entrepreneurs’ Center of Izmit Municipality
KOGED learners for ERA+ project learners paid a visit to the Young Entrepreneurs’ Center of Izmit Municipality on the 21st January,2016.After giving the group information about the ongoing work of the Center,the Manager,Mr.Enis Göçer,introduced the young entrepreneurs currently working at the Center to the trainees and gave information about how the entrepreneurs’ creative ideas developed into enterprise.
The Center is the first and only one as part of a municipality in Turkey.It provides counselling services to young entrepreneurs and enables them to use offices for a year without any payment.
Mr. Göçer emphasized the basic three features of any entrepreneurial work as :’’aim, team and patience’’ and encouraged the KOGED learners to be an entrepreneur.Further discussion points were what our learners know about ‘’entrepreneurship’’ and their creative ideas.
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